3 And so, even as they still held in their arms those whom they mourned and even as they still raised up their laments at the graves of their dead, another thoughtless plan occurred to them. They decided to pursue those who had fled even after they had agreed to their request to send them away.
4 A fate they fully deserved drew them to this inevitable decision and made them forget about all the things that had so recently happened to them. All this took place so that they might complete the one punishment lacking in their sufferings.
5 So at the same time as your people began an incredible journey, their enemies found a strange death.
6 The whole creation began to take on a new shape in its very nature. It once again submitted to your commands so that your children might be kept unharmed.
7 A cloud appeared, casting its shadow over their camp. Dry land appeared where before there had been only water. It presented them an open path through the Red Sea, a grassy plain where before there had been only violent surf.
8 Those who were protected by your hand passed through as a single nation, seeing amazing wonders.
9 They were like horses ranging about and like lambs skipping along. They praised you, Lord, for you were rescuing them.