Ezekiel 45:9-17 GNBDC

9 The Sovereign Lord said, “You have sinned too long, you rulers of Israel! Stop your violence and oppression. Do what is right and just. You must never again drive my people off their land. I, the Sovereign Lord, am telling you this.

10 “Everyone must use honest weights and measures:

11 “The ephah for dry measure is to be equal to the bath for liquid measure. The standard is the homer. The resulting measures are as follows:one homer == ten ephahs == ten baths

12 “Your weights are to be as follows:twenty gerahs == one shekelsixty shekels == one mina

13-15 “This is the basis on which you are to make your offerings:Wheat: one sixtieth of your harvestBarley: one sixtieth of your harvestOlive oil: 100th of the yield of your trees(Measure it by the bath: ten baths == one homer == one kor.)Sheep: one sheep out of every 200 from the meadows of Israel“You are to bring grain offerings, animals to be burnt whole, and animals for fellowship offerings, so that your sins will be forgiven. I, the Sovereign Lord, command it.

16 “All the people of the land must take these offerings to the ruling prince of Israel.

17 It will be his duty to provide the animals to be burnt whole, the grain offerings, and the wine offerings for the whole nation of Israel at the New Moon Festivals, the Sabbaths, and the other festivals. He is to provide the sin offerings, the grain offerings, the offerings to be burnt whole, and the fellowship offerings, to take away the sins of the people of Israel.”