5 And Salmon brought forth Bo‛az by Raḥaḇ, and Bo‛az brought forth Oḇĕḏ by Ruth, and Oḇĕḏ brought forth Yishai.
6 And Yishai brought forth Dawiḏ the sovereign, and Dawiḏ the sovereign brought forth Shelomoh by Uriyah’s wife.
7 And Shelomoh brought forth Reḥaḇ‛am, and Reḥaḇ‛am brought forth Aḇiyah, and Aḇiyah brought forth Asa.
8 And Asa brought forth Yehoshaphat, and Yehoshaphat brought forth Yoram, and Yoram brought forth Uzziyah.
9 And Uzziyah brought forth Yotham, and Yotham brought forth Aḥaz, and Aḥaz brought forth Ḥizqiyahu.
10 And Ḥizqiyahu brought forth Menashsheh, and Menashsheh brought forth Amon, and Amon brought forth Yoshiyahu.
11 And Yoshiyahu brought forth Yeḵonyah and his brothers at the time of the exile to Baḇel.