27 But Jesus took [a strong grip of] his hand and began lifting him up, and he stood.
28 And when He had gone indoors, His disciples asked Him privately, Why could not we drive it out?
29 And He replied to them, This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.
30 They went on from there and passed along through Galilee. And He did not wish to have anyone know it,
31 For He was [engaged for the time being in] teaching His disciples. He said to them, The Son of Man is being delivered into the hands of men, and they will put Him to death; and when He has been killed, after three days He will rise [from death].
32 But they did not comprehend what He was saying, and they were afraid to ask Him [what this statement meant].
33 And they arrived at Capernaum; and when [they were] in the house, He asked them, What were you discussing and arguing about on the road?