47 And the king called the Jews to his assistance. And they came together before him at the same time, and then they all dispersed themselves throughout the city.
48 And they killed, in that day, one hundred thousand men, and they set fire to the city, and they seized many spoils in that day, and they freed the king.
49 And those who were of the city saw that the Jews had taken the city, just as they wanted, and they were weakened in their resolve, and they cried out to the king with supplication, saying,
50 "Grant us a pledge, and let the Jews cease from assailing us and the city."
51 And they threw down their arms, and they made peace. And the Jews were glorified in the sight of the king and in the sight of all who were in his realm. And they became renowned in the kingdom, and they returned to Jerusalem, holding many spoils.
52 And so king Demetrius sat on the throne of his kingdom. And the land was quieted in his sight.
53 And he falsified everything whatsoever that he had said. And he alienated himself from Jonathan, and he did not repay him according to the benefits that he had received in tribute from him. And he vexed him greatly.