32 And he reigned in his place, and he put on the diadem of Asia, and he caused great scourges upon the land.
33 And Simon built up the strongholds of Judea, fortifying them with high towers, and great walls, and gates and bars. And he placed provisions in the fortresses.
34 And Simon chose men, and he sent to king Demetrius, so that he would grant a remission to the region, for all that Trypho did was to carry out plundering.
35 And king Demetrius responded to this word, and he wrote a letter in this manner:
36 "King Demetrius to Simon, the high priest and friend of kings, and to the elders, and to the people of the Jews: greetings.
37 The golden crown and the bahem that you sent, we have received. And we are prepared to make a great peace with you, and to write to the officers of the king to remit to you the things that we have released.
38 For whatever we have established remains in force for you. The strongholds that you have built, let them be yours.