55 Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Gilead, and Simon his brother was in Galilee against the face of Ptolemais:
56 Joseph, the son of Zachariah, and Azariah, the leader of the army, heard good things about the battles that were fought.
57 And he said, "Let us also make a name for ourselves, and let us go to fight against the Gentiles that are all around us."
58 And he gave orders to those who were in his army, and they went out towards Jamnia.
59 And Gorgias and his men exited the city, to meet them in the fight.
60 And Joseph and Azariah were forced to flee, even to the borders of Judea. And there fell on that day, from the people of Israel, up to two thousand men, and it was a great defeat for the people.
61 For they did not listen to Judas and his brothers, supposing that they should act boldly.