1 Meanwhile, when Demetrius heard that Nicanor and his army had fallen in battle, he again positioned Bacchides and Alcimus in Judea, and the right horn of his army with them.
2 And they traveled by the way that leads to Gilgal, and they set up camp in Mesaloth, which is in Arbela. And they occupied it, and they destroyed the lives of many men.
3 In the first month of the one hundred and fifty-second year, they positioned the army near Jerusalem.
4 And they rose up and went to Berea, with twenty thousand men and two thousand horsemen.
5 Now Judas had stationed his camp in Elasa, and three thousand chosen men were with him.
6 And they saw the multitude of the army, that they were many, and they became very afraid. And many withdrew themselves from the camp, and there remained of them no more than eight hundred men.