24 In those days, there occurred a very great famine, and the entire region handed itself over to Bacchides.
25 And Bacchides chose impious men, and he appointed them as rulers of the region.
26 And they sought out and persecuted the friends of Judas, and they led them to Bacchides, and he took vengeance on them and abused them.
27 And there occurred a great tribulation in Israel, such as had never been, since the day that there was no prophet seen in Israel.
28 And all the friends of Judas gathered together, and they said to Jonathan:
29 "Since your brother Judas has fallen away, there is not a man like him to go forth against our enemies, against Bacchides and those who are the enemies of our nation.
30 And so now, we have chosen you in his place, on this day, to be our leader and commander in order to wage our wars."