63 And Bacchides knew about it, and he gathered together all his multitude. And he reported it to those who were from Judea.
64 And he came and made camp above Bethbasi, and he fought against it for many days, and he made machines of war.
65 But Jonathan left behind his brother Simon in the city, and he went out into the country, and he approached with a number of men,
66 and he struck Odomera and his brothers, and the sons of Phasiron, in their tents. And he began to slaughter and to increase in forces.
67 In truth, Simon, and those who were with him, went forth from the city and burned the machines of war,
68 and they fought against Bacchides, and he was crushed by them. And they afflicted him greatly, because his counsel and his meetings were in vain.
69 And he was angry with the men of iniquity who had given him counsel to come into their region, and he killed many of them. But he decided to depart with the remainder into their country.