21 Then he ordered them to draw it up and to carry it to him. And the priest, Nehemiah, ordered the sacrifices, which had been set out, to be sprinkled with the same water, both the wood and those things that were placed on it.
22 And when this was done, and the time came when the sun shined brightly, which before was in a cloud, there was kindled a great fire, so much so that all were filled with wonder.
23 But all the priests were reciting prayer, while the sacrifice was being consumed, with Jonathan beginning and the rest answering.
24 And the prayer of Nehemiah was held in this way: "O Lord God, Creator of all, terrible and strong, just and merciful, you alone are the good King.
25 You alone are excellent, you alone are just, and all-powerful, and eternal, who frees Israel from all evil, who created the chosen fathers and sanctified them.
26 Receive the sacrifice on behalf of all of your people Israel, and preserve and sanctify your portion.
27 Gather together our dispersion, free those who are in servitude to the Gentiles, and respect those who are despised and abhorred, so that the Gentiles may know that you are our God.