29 From there, they went to the city of Scythia, which was six hundred stadia away from Jerusalem.
30 But the Jews, those who were among the Scythians, testified that they were treated kindly by them, and that, even in the times of unhappiness, they had treated them mildly.
31 They gave thanks to them, exhorting them to be kind to their people, now and at other times. And they went to Jerusalem, as the solemn days of the seven weeks were underway.
32 And, after Pentecost, they marched against Gorgias, the foremost leader over Idumea.
33 And he went out with three thousand foot soldiers and four hundred horsemen.
34 And when they came together, it happened that a few of the Jews were overthrown.
35 In fact, a certain Dositheus, a horseman of Bacenor, a strong man, took hold of Gorgias. And when he would have captured him alive, a certain horseman of the Thracians rushed upon him and cut off his arm, and so, in this way, Gorgias escaped to Maresa.