27 Indeed, fighting with their hands, but praying to the Lord with their hearts, they struck down no less than thirty-five thousand, being delighted by the presence of God.
28 And when they had ceased and were returning with gladness, they realized, by his armor, that Nicanor had been slain.
29 And so, making a loud noise and inciting a disturbance, they blessed the Almighty Lord in the language of the fathers.
30 But Judas, who was prepared throughout all his body and soul to die for his citizens, instructed that Nicanor's head, and his hand with the arm, should be cut off and carried through to Jerusalem.
31 When it arrived, having called together his fellow tribesmen, and the priests to the altar, he summoned those also who were in the stronghold.
32 And he displayed the head of Nicanor, and his nefarious hand, which he had extended against the holy house of Almighty God with magnificent boasting.
33 He even ordered now that the tongue of the impious Nicanor should be cut up and given in pieces to the birds, but that the hand of this demented man should be suspended opposite the temple.