3 And in this manner, with other sayings, he exhorted them, lest they remove the law from their heart.
4 Furthermore, it was in the same writing, how the prophet, by divine response, ordered that the tabernacle and the ark be made to accompany him, until he exited from the mountain, where Moses ascended and saw the inheritance of God.
5 And arriving there, Jeremiah found a place in a cave. And he brought both the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense into that place, and he obstructed opening.
6 And certain ones of those who followed him, approached to make note of the location, but they were not able to find it.
7 But when Jeremiah knew of it, he blamed them, saying: "The place shall be unknown, until God shall gather together the congregation of the people, and until he may be favorably inclined.
8 And then the Lord will reveal these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear, and there will be a cloud, just as it was also manifested to Moses, and just as he manifested these when Solomon petitioned that the place should be sanctified to the great God.
9 For he also drew upon wisdom magnificently, and so, having wisdom, he offered the sacrifice of the dedication and the consummation of the temple.