9 For he also drew upon wisdom magnificently, and so, having wisdom, he offered the sacrifice of the dedication and the consummation of the temple.
10 And, just as Moses prayed to the Lord, and fire descended from heaven and consumed the holocaust, so also Solomon prayed and fire descended from heaven and consumed the holocaust.
11 And Moses said that it was consumed because the sin offering was not eaten.
12 And similarly, Solomon also celebrated the eight days of the dedication.
13 Moreover, these same things were put into the descriptions and commentaries of Nehemiah, including how, when constructing a library, he gathered together from the regions the books of the Prophets, and of David, and the epistles of the kings, and from the holy gifts.
14 And, similarly, Judas also gathered together all the things that were destroyed by the war that befell us, and these are with us.
15 Therefore, if you desire these things, send those who may carry them to you.