40 But when the multitude stirred up an insurrection, and their minds were filled with anger, Lysimachus armed about three thousand, who began to act with hands of iniquity. A certain tyrant was their leader, a man advanced both in age and in madness.
41 But when they perceived the attempt of Lysimachus, some took hold of stones, others strong clubs, and, in truth, certain ones threw ashes upon Lysimachus.
42 And indeed, many were wounded, and some were struck down; however, all were put to flight. And, as for the sacrilegious man, they executed him beside the treasury.
43 Therefore, about these things, a judgment began to be stirred up against Menelaus.
44 And when the king had arrived at Tyre, three men were sent from the elders to bring the matter to him.
45 But when Menelaus was overcome, he promised to give much money to Ptolemy to persuade the king.
46 And so, Ptolemy went to the king in a certain court where he was, as if merely to refresh himself, and he influenced him away from the sentence.