1 And it happened also that seven brothers, united with their mother, were apprehended and compelled by the king to eat the flesh of swine against divine law, being tormented with scourges and whips.
2 But one of them, who was first, spoke in this way: "What would you ask, or what would you want to learn from us? We are ready to die, rather than to betray the laws that our fathers received from God."
3 And so the king, being angry, ordered frying pans and bronze caldrons to be heated. When these were presently heated,
4 he ordered the tongue of him who had spoken first to be cut off, and, once the skin of his head had been pulled off, likewise his hands and feet to be cut off at the top, while the rest of his brothers and his mother were watching.
5 And when now he had been made helpless in all parts, he commanded him to be moved to the fire, and, while still breathing, to be fried in the frying pan. As he was suffering long torments therein, the rest, united with the mother, exhorted one another to die with fortitude,