37 But I, like my brothers, deliver up my soul and my body for the sake of the laws of the fathers, calling upon God so as to bring forgiveness upon our nation sooner, and so that you, with torments and lashings, may confess that he alone is God.
38 Truly, in me and in my brothers, the wrath of the Almighty, which has been led over all our people justly, shall cease."
39 Then the king, burning with anger, raged against this one with cruelty beyond all the rest, bearing it indignantly that he himself was derided.
40 And so this one also died in purity, trusting in the Lord through all things.
41 Then, last of all, after the sons, the mother also was consumed.
42 Therefore, about the sacrifices and about the exceedingly great cruelties, enough has been said.