16 And she answered him, "This evil is greater, which you are now doing against me in driving me away, than what you did before." But he was not willing to listen to her.
17 Instead, calling the servants who were ministering to him, he said, "Cast this woman out from me, and close the door behind her."
18 Now she was clothed with an ankle-length robe. For the virgin daughters of the king made use of this kind of garment. And so, his servant cast her out, and he closed the door behind her.
19 And she sprinkled ashes upon her head, and she tore her ankle-length robe. And placing her hands upon her head, she went forth, walking and crying out.
20 Then her brother Absalom said to her: "Has your brother Amnon lain with you? But now, sister, be quiet. For he is your brother. And you should not afflict your heart because of this matter." And so, Tamar remained, wasting away in the house of her brother Absalom.
21 And when king David had heard about these things, he was deeply grieved. But he was not willing to afflict the spirit of his son Amnon. For he loved him, since he was his firstborn.
22 Yet Absalom did not speak to Amnon, neither good nor evil. For Absalom hated Amnon because he had violated his sister Tamar.