24 You know everything, and you know that it was not out of arrogance or indignation or some desire for glory that I did this, so that I refused to adore the very proud Haman.
25 (For I was freely prepared, for the sake of the salvation of Israel, to have willingly kissed even the footsteps of his feet.)
26 But I feared, lest I should transfer the honor of my God to a man, and lest I should adore anyone except my God.
27 And now Lord, King, God of Abraham, may you have mercy on your people because our enemies want to destroy us and to erase your inheritance.
28 Do not despise your portion, which you have redeemed for yourself out of Egypt.
29 Listen to my supplication, and be gracious to your lot and your token, and change our sorrow into gladness, so that, in living, we may praise your name, Lord; and do not close the mouths of those who sing to you."
30 Likewise, all Israel cried out to the Lord with the same intention and supplication because certain death was hanging over them.