5 And she sent for Hathach the eunuch, whom the king had appointed to minister to her, and she instructed him to go to Mordecai and to discern from him why he was doing this.
6 And departing, Hathach went to Mordecai, who was standing in the street of the city, in front of the palace entrance.
7 He told him everything that had happened, how Haman had promised to transfer silver into the king's treasury for the death of the Jews.
8 Also, he gave him a copy of the edict that was hanging up in Susa, so that he would show it to the queen and advise her to go in to the king and beg him on behalf of her people.
9 And Hathach returned and informed Esther of all that Mordecai had said.
10 "Remember," he said, "the days of your lowliness, how you were nurtured as if in my hand, because Haman, who is second after the king, has spoken against us to death.
11 And you must call upon the Lord, and speak with the king on our behalf, and free us from death."