30 And Pharaoh rose up in the night, and all his servants, and all of Egypt. And there arose a great outcry in Egypt. For there was not a house in which no one lay dead.
31 And Pharaoh, calling Moses and Aaron in the night, said: "Rise up and go forth from among my people, you and the sons of Israel. Go, sacrifice to the Lord, just as you say.
32 Your sheep and herds take along with you, as you requested, and as you go away, bless me."
33 And the Egyptians urged the people to go away from the land quickly, saying, "We will all die."
34 Therefore, the people took bread dough before it was leavened. And tying it in their cloaks, they placed it on their shoulders.
35 And the sons of Israel did just as Moses had instructed. And they petitioned the Egyptians for vessels of silver and of gold, and very many garments.
36 Then the Lord granted favor to the people in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they bestowed on them. And they despoiled the Egyptians.