10 Moreover, now also a famine has assailed them, and, by drought of water, they are already counted among the dead.
11 And finally, they have a plan to put to death their herds, and to drink their blood.
12 And the sacred things of the Lord their God, which God instructed them not to touch, among the grain, wine, and oil, these they have decided to expend, and they are willing to consume the things that they ought not to touch with their hands. Therefore, because they do these things, it is certain that they will be given over to perdition.
13 And I, your maidservant, knowing this, have fled from them, and the Lord has sent me to report to you these same things.
14 For I, your maidservant, worship God even now that I am with you, and your maidservant will go out, and I will pray to God.
15 And he will tell me when he will repay them for their sins, and I will return and announce it to you, so that I may bring you through the midst of Jerusalem, and you will hold all the people of Israel, like sheep that have no shepherd, and there will not be so much as one dog that barks against you.
16 For these things have been told to me through the providence of God.