14 For I, your maidservant, worship God even now that I am with you, and your maidservant will go out, and I will pray to God.
15 And he will tell me when he will repay them for their sins, and I will return and announce it to you, so that I may bring you through the midst of Jerusalem, and you will hold all the people of Israel, like sheep that have no shepherd, and there will not be so much as one dog that barks against you.
16 For these things have been told to me through the providence of God.
17 And because God has been angry with them, I have been sent to report these same things to you."
18 And so, all these words were pleasing before Holofernes, and before his servants, and they wondered at her wisdom, and they said to one another:
19 "There is not another woman so great upon the earth: in appearance, in beauty, and in charming words."
20 And Holofernes said to her: "God has done well, who sent you ahead of the people, so that you may give them into our hands.