5 For, as Nebuchadnezzar the king of the earth lives, and as his power lives, which is with you for the chastising of all straying souls: not only men serve him through you, but also the beasts of the field are submissive to him.
6 For the diligence of your mind is being reported to all nations, and it has been revealed to all of this age that you alone are good and powerful in all his kingdom, and your discipline is being announced beforehand in all the provinces.
7 This is not hidden, what Achior has said, nor are we ignorant of what you have ordered to befall him.
8 For it is agreed that our God is so offended with sins that he has commanded, through his prophets to the people, that he will deliver them up for their sins.
9 And since the sons of Israel know that they have offended their God, your trembling is upon them.
10 Moreover, now also a famine has assailed them, and, by drought of water, they are already counted among the dead.
11 And finally, they have a plan to put to death their herds, and to drink their blood.