4 And Judith said, "As your soul lives, my lord, your maidservant will not expend all these things, until God accomplishes by my hand what I have in mind." And his servants led her into the tabernacle, as he instructed.
5 And, as she was entering, she requested that it be permitted to her to go outside at night, before daylight, in order to pray and to petition the Lord.
6 And he instructed his chamberlains that she may exit and enter, just as it may please her, to adore her God, for three days.
7 And she went out in the nights into the valley of Bethulia, and she washed herself in a fountain of water.
8 And, as she climbed up, she prayed to the Lord God of Israel that he would direct her way, to the liberation of his people.
9 And entering, she remained pure in the tabernacle, until she received her own food in the evening.
10 And it happened on the fourth day that Holofernes made a supper for his servants, and he said to Vagao his eunuch: "Go, and persuade that Hebrew woman to willingly consent to live with me.