9 And such a dread lay upon those provinces, that the leading and honored inhabitants of all the cities, together with the people, went out to meet him at his arrival.
10 They received him with garlands and lamps; they were led by choirs with timbrels and flutes.
11 Yet, not even by doing these things were they able to mitigate the ferocity of his chest.
12 For he both destroyed their cities and cut down their sacred groves.
13 For king Nebuchadnezzar had instructed him to exterminate all the gods of the earth, evidently so that he alone might be called 'god' by those nations which were able to be subjugated by the power of Holofernes.
14 But when he had passed through Syria Sobal, and all of Apamea, and all Mesopotamia, he came to the Idumeans in the land of Gibeah.
15 And he took their cities, and he sat there for thirty days, during which days he instructed all the troops of his army to regroup.