10 And when the entire multitude cried out, and they wanted to crush them with stones, the glory of the Lord appeared, over the roof of the covenant, to all the sons of Israel.
11 And the Lord said to Moses: "How long will this people disparage me? How long will they refuse to believe me, despite all the signs that I have wrought before them?
12 Therefore, I will strike them with a pestilence, and so I will consume them. But you I will make the ruler over a great nation, and one which is mightier than this one."
13 And Moses said to the Lord: "But then the Egyptians, from whose midst you led out this people,
14 and the inhabitants of this land, who have heard that you, O Lord, are among this people, and that you are seen face to face, and that your cloud protects them, and that you go before them with a column of cloud by day, and a column of fire by night,
15 may hear that you have killed so great a multitude, as if they were one man, and they may say:
16 'He was not able to lead the people into the land about which he had sworn. Therefore, he slew them in the wilderness.'