5 He created from him a helper, similar to himself. He gave them counsel, and language, and sight, and hearing, and a heart, in order to think. And he filled them with the discipline of understanding.
6 He created within them the knowledge of the spirit. He filled their heart with understanding, and he showed them both good and evil.
7 He set his eye upon their hearts, to reveal to them the greatness of his works,
8 so that they might highly praise the name of sanctification, and give glory to his wonders, so that they might declare the greatness of his works.
9 In addition, he gave them discipline and the law of life, as their inheritance.
10 He established an eternal covenant with them, and he revealed to them his justice and judgments.
11 And their eye saw the greatness of his honor, and their ears heard the honor of his voice, and he said to them: "Beware of all iniquity."