7 What is man, and what is his grace? And what is his good, or what is his evil?
8 The number of the days of men are as many as one hundred years. Like a drop of water in the ocean, so they are considered to be. And like a grain of sand on the shore, so do these few years compare to the days of all time.
9 For this reason, God is patient with them, and he pours forth his mercy upon them.
10 He has seen that the presumption of their heart is evil, and he knows that their rebelliousness is wicked.
11 Therefore, he has bestowed his forgiveness on them, and he has revealed to them the way of equity.
12 The compassion of man is toward those closest to him. But the mercy of God is upon all flesh.
13 He is merciful, and he teaches and corrects, like a shepherd with his flock.