11 An inebriated wife is a great wrath. And her disgrace and indecency will not be covered.
12 The fornication of a wife will become known by the haughtiness of her eyes and by her eyelids.
13 So that her daughter will not also turn away, keep a strict watch; otherwise, having found an opportunity, she may enjoy herself.
14 Be wary of the irreverence of her eyes, and you should not wonder if she might disregard you.
15 Like a thirsty traveler, she will open her mouth to the fountain, and she will drink from every water nearby, and she will sit down beside every fencepost, and she will open her quiver to every arrow, until she becomes weary.
16 The grace of an attentive wife will delight her husband, and will fatten his bones.
17 Her discipline is a gift from God.