19 Son, perform your works in meekness, and you shall be loved beyond the glory of men.
20 However great you may be, humble yourself in all things, and you will find grace in the presence of God.
21 For only the power of God is great, and he is honored by the humble.
22 You should not seek the things that are too high for you, and you should not examine the things that are beyond your ability. But as for the things that God has entrusted to you, consider these always. But you should not be curious in too many of his works.
23 For it is not necessary for you to see with your own eyes the things that are hidden.
24 In unnecessary matters, do not choose to be an examiner of many different things, and you should not be curious about too many of his works.
25 For many things have been revealed to you, beyond the understanding of men.