2 You should not despise the hungry soul, and you should not aggravate a poor man in his need.
3 You should not afflict the heart of the needy, and you should not delay an offer to someone in anguish.
4 You should not make requests of one who is greatly troubled, and you should not avert your face from the indigent.
5 You should not avert your eyes from the needy out of anger. And you should not abandon those who seek help from you, so that they speak curses behind your back.
6 For the pleadings of him who speaks curses of you, in the bitterness of his soul, will be heeded. For the One who made him will heed him.
7 Make yourself a friend to the congregation of the poor, and humble your soul before an elder, and humble your head before the great.
8 Turn your ear without sadness toward the poor, and repay your debt, and respond to him peacefully in meekness.