20 The eye is in wonder at the beauty of its whiteness, and the heart is astonished at its falling.
21 He will pour out frost like salt upon the earth. And when it freezes, it will become like the tops of thistles.
22 The cold north wind blows, and the water freezes into crystals; it will rest upon every gathering of water, and it will clothe the water like a breastplate.
23 And it will devour the mountains, and burn the wilderness, and extinguish the greenery, like a fire.
24 Relief for all is in the hurried arrival of a cloud. And the lowly dew will arrive to meet the heat and overpower it.
25 At his word, the wind grows quiet, and by his thought, he appeases the abyss, for the Lord has planted islands in it.
26 Let those who navigate the sea describe its perils. And when we have heard it with our ears, we will wonder.