17 And Tobit said, "I bless you, O Lord God of Israel, because you have chastised me, and you have saved me, and behold, I see my son Tobias."
18 And then, after seven days, Sarah, the wife of his son, and all the family arrived safely, along with the sheep, and the camels, and much money from his wife, but also with that money which he had received from Gabael.
19 And he explained to his parents all the benefits from God, which he had produced all around him, by means of the man who had led him.
20 And then Ahikar and Nadab arrived, the maternal first cousins of Tobias, rejoicing for Tobias, and congratulating with him for all the good things that God had revealed all around him.
21 And for seven days they feasted, and all were rejoicing with great joy.