8 And so, be converted, you sinners, and do justice in the presence of God, believing that he will act in his mercy toward you.
9 But I and my soul will rejoice in him.
10 Bless the Lord, all you his elect. Keep days of rejoicing, and confess to him.
11 O Jerusalem, the city of God, the Lord has chastised you for the works of your hands.
12 Confess to the Lord with your good things, and bless the God of all ages, so that he may rebuild his tabernacle in you, and he may recall all the captives to you, and you may be glad in all ages and forever.
13 You will shine with a splendid light, and all the ends of the earth will adore by you.
14 Nations from far away will come to you, bringing gifts. And in you, they shall adore the Lord, and they will hold your land in sanctification.