1 And the sermon of Tobit was completed. And after Tobit received his sight, he lived forty-two years, and he saw the sons of his grandchildren.
2 And so, having completed one hundred and two years, he was buried honorably at Nineveh.
3 For he was fifty-six years old, when he lost the light of his eyes, and he was sixty years old, when he truly received it again.
4 And, in truth, the remainder of his life was in gladness. And so, with the good accomplishment of the fear of God, he departed in peace.
5 But, in the hour of his death, he called to himself his son Tobias, along with his sons, the seven youths who were his grandsons, and he said to them:
6 "Nineveh will pass away soon. For the word of the Lord goes forward, and our brothers, who have been dispersed away from the land of Israel, shall return to it.