2 And he went out to wash his feet, and behold, an immense fish came out to devour him.
3 And Tobias, being frightened of it, cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Sir, it is attacking me!"
4 And the Angel said to him, "Catch it by the gills, and draw it to you." And when he had done so, he pulled it onto dry land, and it began to thrash before his feet.
5 Then the Angel said to him: "Disembowel this fish, and put aside his heart, and his gall, and his liver for yourself. For these things are necessary as useful medicines."
6 And when he had done so, he roasted its flesh, and they took it with them on the way. The rest they salted, so that it might be sufficient for them, until they would arrive at Rages, a city of the Medes.
7 Then Tobias questioned the Angel, and he said to him, "I implore you, brother Azariah, to tell me what remedies these things hold, which you have told me to retain from the fish?"
8 And the Angel, answering, said to him: "If you put a little piece of its heart on burning coals, its smoke will drive away all kind of demons, whether from a man or from a woman, so that they will no longer approach them.