3 They stood firm against the enemy, and vindicated themselves from their adversaries.
4 They thirsted, and they called upon you, and water was given them out of the deepest rock, and respite from thirst out of the hard stone.
5 For through water, their enemies had been punished, by the corruption of their drinking water; and so, among them, when the sons of Israel lacked the abundance they would have had, their enemies rejoiced;
6 yet though water, when they were in need, it turned out well for them.
7 For instead of a fountain, even everlasting in flow, you gave human blood to the unjust,
8 and while they would be crushed into disgrace because of the murdering of infants, you unexpectedly gave your own abundant water,
9 revealing through the thirst, which occurred at that time, how you would exalt your own and would kill their adversaries.