9 Those who trust in him, will understand the truth, and those who are faithful in love will rest in him, because grace and peace is for his elect.
10 But the impious will be chastised according to their thoughts, for they have neglected the just and have retreated from the Lord.
11 For whoever abandons wisdom and instruction is unhappy, and their hope is empty, and their labors without fruit, and their works useless.
12 Their wives are foolish and their sons are wicked; the things that serve them are accursed.
13 Therefore, fertile is the barren and undefiled, who has not known transgressions in bed; she will bear fruit by caring for holy souls.
14 And fertile is the celibate, who has not wrought iniquity with his hands, nor thought wickedness against God; for to him will be given a special gift of faith and a very welcome place in the temple of the Lord.
15 For the fruit of good labors is glorious and the root of wisdom shall never perish.