27 since he has brought everything under control under his feet. When it says that everything has been brought under his control, this clearly means everything except for the one who placed everything under his control.
28 But when all things have been brought under his control, then the Son himself will also be under the control of the one who gave him control over everything so that God may be all in all.
29 Otherwise, what are those who are getting baptized for the dead doing? If the dead aren’t raised, then why are they being baptized for them?
30 And what about us? Why are we in danger all day every day?
31 Brothers and sisters, I swear by the pride I have in you in Christ Jesus our Lord, I’m facing death every day.
32 From a human point of view, what good does it do me if I fought wild animals in Ephesus? If the dead aren’t raised, let’s eat and drink because tomorrow we’ll die.
33 Don’t be deceived, bad company corrupts good character.