17 After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring gifts for the poor of my nation and to offer sacrifices.
18 When they found me in the temple, I was ritually pure. There was no crowd and no disturbance.
19 But there were some Jews from the province of Asia. They should be here making their accusations, if indeed they have something against me.
20 In their absence, have these people who are here declare what crime they found when I stood before the Jerusalem Council.
21 Perhaps it concerns this one statement that I blurted out when I was with them: ‘I am on trial before you today because of the resurrection of the dead.’"
22 Felix, who had an accurate understanding of the Way, adjourned the meeting. He said, "When Lysias the commander arrives from Jerusalem, I will decide this case."
23 He arranged for a centurion to guard Paul. He was to give Paul some freedom, and his friends were not to be hindered in their efforts to provide for him.