18 I believe that the present suffering is nothing compared to the coming glory that is going to be revealed to us.
19 The whole creation waits breathless with anticipation for the revelation of God’s sons and daughters.
20 Creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice—it was the choice of the one who subjected it—but in the hope
21 that the creation itself will be set free from slavery to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of God’s children.
22 We know that the whole creation is groaning together and suffering labor pains up until now.
23 And it’s not only the creation. We ourselves who have the Spirit as the first crop of the harvest also groan inside as we wait to be adopted and for our bodies to be set free.
24 We were saved in hope. If we see what we hope for, that isn’t hope. Who hopes for what they already see?