26 We have heard and rejoice that you have kept your agreement and have continued your friendship with us, and have not sided with our enemies.
27 Now continue to keep faith with us, and we will repay you in kind according to the good you do for us.
28 We will grant you many exemptions and give you gifts.
29 I now free you and excuse all the Jews from payment of tribute as well as salt and royal taxes.
30 Instead of collecting a third of the grain and half of the fruit of the trees as I should, I release you from payment from now on. I will not collect them from the land of Judah or from the three districts added to it from Samaria and Galilee, from this day on and for all time.
31 Jerusalem and its surroundings, its tenth-part gifts and its revenues, will be holy and free from tax.
32 I will also give up my control of the elevated fortress in Jerusalem and give it to the high priest. He may station people of his own choice to guard it.