36 King Demetrius. To Simon, the high priest and advisor of kings, and to the elders and nation of the Jews. Greetings!
37 We have received the gold crown and the palm branch that you sent. We are ready to make a general peace with you and to write to our officials to grant you release from tribute.
38 All the exemptions that we have made to you remain valid. Let the fortresses that you have built be in your possession.
39 We pardon any errors and offenses committed to this day. Plus, we cancel the crown tax that you owe. Whatever other tax has been collected in Jerusalem will not be collected any longer.
40 If any of you are qualified to be enrolled in our bodyguard, let them be enrolled. Finally, let there be peace between us.
41 In the year 170, the yoke of the Gentiles was removed from Israel.
42 The people of Israel began to write in their documents and contracts, "In the first year of Simon the great high priest, commander and leader of the Jews."