31 as you saw. The lion whom you saw rousing itself from the forest and roaring and speaking to the eagle and rebuking it for its deeds of injustice, as for all the words that you heard him speaking,
32 this is the anointed one. The Most High has kept him for the end of days. He will arise from the line of David, and he will come and speak to them. He will denounce their wicked acts and indict them for their injustice. He will set before them their despicable deeds.
33 He will put them on trial while they are still alive, and after he has convicted them, he will destroy them.
34 Yet he will mercifully liberate the remaining few from my people who are saved throughout my territory. He will make them joyful until the end comes—the Judgment Day, of which I have spoken to you from the beginning.
35 "This is the dream that you saw, and this is its interpretation.
36 You alone were counted worthy to know this secret of the Most High.
37 Therefore, write all these things that you saw in a scroll and hide it away.