19 when I will begin to examine those who unjustly inflicted harm in their cruelty. When the humiliation of Zion is complete,
20 when the seal is placed on the age that begins to pass away, I will perform these signs: Scrolls will be opened in view of the firmament, and all will see together.
21 Infants a year old will speak with their voices, and pregnant women will give birth to premature babies of three and four months, but they will live and dance.
22 Fields that were not sown will suddenly appear sown, and full warehouses will suddenly be found empty.
23 A trumpet will sound with a blast; when all hear it they will suddenly be terrified.
24 In that time friends will make war on friends like enemies, the earth along with those who live on it will be terrified, and the sources of rivers will stand still so that they don’t run for three hours.
25 Then everyone who is left after all these things that I have foretold to you will be saved. These will see my deliverance and the end of my age.