114 indulgence is undone, unbelief is cut off, but justice is fully grown, and truth arisen.
115 Therefore, no one will then be able to have mercy on someone who has been condemned in the judgment, nor to overwhelm one who has conquered."
116 I answered: "This is my first and last word: It would have been better if the earth hadn’t brought forth Adam, or when it had brought him forth, that it had forced him not to sin.
117 What does it benefit everyone to live in sadness during the present time, and when dead to expect punishment?
118 Adam, what have you done?! If you sinned, the downfall wasn’t yours alone but also ours who are descended from you.
119 What benefit is it to us that we are promised an immortal time, but we have done works that bring death?
120 What good is it to us that everlasting hope has been predicted for us, but we have utterly failed?