40 "Why are you weeping, and why do you grieve so deeply?"
41 She said to me, "Leave me alone, sir, so that I may weep for myself and continue in my grief, because I am very bitter inside, and I am depressed."
42 I said to her, "What have you suffered? Tell me!"
43 She said to me: “I, your servant, was infertile, and I hadn’t given birth, although I had a husband for thirty years.
44 Hour after hour and day after day during these thirty years I pleaded with the Most High by night and day.
45 After thirty years God heard your servant and saw how dejected I was. He attended to my distress and gave me a son. I rejoiced greatly over him, as did my husband and all my fellow citizens, and we greatly honored the mighty one.
46 I nourished my son with much labor,