6 So King Joram set out from Samaria at once. He prepared all Israel for war.
7 He sent word to Judah’s King Jehoshaphat, "Moab’s king has rebelled against me. Will you go with me to fight against Moab?"Jehoshaphat responded, "Yes, I’ll go. We’ll fight as one: you and I, our troops and our horses."
8 "Which road should we take?" Joram asked.Jehoshaphat responded, "The road that goes through the Edomite wilderness."
9 So Israel’s and Judah’s kings set out with the king of Edom. They marched around for seven days until there was no water left for the army or for the animals with them.
10 Israel’s king said, "This is terrible! Has the Lord brought us three kings together only to hand us over to Moab?"
11 Jehoshaphat said, "Isn’t there any prophet of the Lord around, so we could question the Lord through him?"One of the servants of Israel’s king answered, "Elisha, Shaphat’s son, is here. He used to pour water on Elijah’s hands."
12 Jehoshaphat said, "He has the Lord’s word!" So Israel’s king and Jehoshaphat and Edom’s king went down to see Elisha.